Live Laundry Room Monitoring
Welcome University of Hartford students! Please choose your laundry room from the list below:
Building Name:
Building Name:
Barlow Hall - A Neighborhood
Regents - 2nd Flr
Bushnell Hall - E Neighborhood
Smith Hall - D Neighborhood
Crandall Hall - A Neighborhood
Stevens Hall - B Neighborhood
Dubois Hall - C Neighborhood
Stowe Hall - F Neighborhood
Gaullaudet Hall - F Neighborhood
Villages - 1
Hawk Hall 2nd Flr
Villages - 2
Hawk Hall 3rd Flr
Villages - 3
Hawk Hall 4th Flr
Villages - 4
Hawk Hall 5th Flr
Villages - 5
Park River 2nd Flr
Villages - 6
Park River 4th Flr
Villages - 7
Machine Status Color Legend: